Business & Presentations
Business and Presentations - Volume 1 (1995)(Sideface)(NL).iso
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237 lines
; This TbSetup file contains information for the Thunderbyte Utilities.
% The TbSetup program stores checksum, validation, and cleaning information of
% programs in hidden Anti-Vir.Dat files. Several Thunderbyte Anti-Virus (TBAV)
% utilities use this information to enhance detection and removing of viruses.
% Programs that require special attention of TBAV utilities are listed in the
% TbSetup.Dat file. Send files that require special TBAV attention to our BBS
% for inclusion into this file! Current TbSetup.Dat revision: 6.00 / 04-15-93
; To make sure that any "special" program file on your system is equal
; to the program file we have put into this list, every filename has
; a acompanying 32-bit CRC. Only if this CRC matches, the file is
; granted its special attention/exclusion.
; Note that this implies no security hole: if a file is infected, it
; does not match the CRC anymore, so it will not be subject to any
; special handling and treated like any other file. This applies to files
; that are modified before running the TbSetup program, as well as for
; files that are modified afterwards.
; The file length and/or CRC can be wildcarded (*). In this case the
; flags apply to all matching files.
; Thunderbyte flags field definition:
; bit 0: (0001) Do not perform heuristic analysis
; bit 1: (0002) Ignore CRC changes (self-modifying file)
; bit 2: (0004) Scan for all signatures (lan remote boot file)
; bit 3: (0008) Do not change read-only attribute of this file
; bit 4: (0010) The program stays resident in memory.
; bit 5: (0020) The program performs direct disk access.
; bit 6: (0040) The program modifies readonly attributes.
; bit 15: (8000) Interrupt rehook required for TbDriver.Exe
; Lines beginning with a '#' are directives and have a special meaning:
; #RO Add read-only attribute by default to executable files
; filename Length 32-bit CRC Flags Comment
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Files that trigger the heuristic alarm of TbScan:
4DOS.COM * * 0001 ;4Dos
AFD.COM 0FEFE EBA21A86 0001 ;AFD debugger
ARGV0FIX.COM 001D8 431E70C0 0011 ;Argv[0]fix
ASOUND.EXE * * 0001
CAMERA.COM 00679 * 0001 ;Utility
CMD.COM * * 0001 ;MCA utility
CMSDRV.COM 013C1 * 0001 ;Sound Blaster utility
CONFMT.COM * * 0001 ;Format utility
CONTINUM.COM * * 0001 ;Video utility
COPYPC.COM * * 0001
DMP.COM * * 0011 ;Print spooler
DSKREADY.COM 0001B F80BB266 0001 ;Utility
DSZ2ICOM.EXE 098B0 A09C1F4D 0001 ;DSZ utility
EGRAPHIC.EXE 03E09 001F613D 0001 ;Utility
EXE2COM.EXE 00BEA 4927CF1E 0001 ;Exe to Com conversion utility
F-TEST.COM * * 0001 ;Frisk anti-virus module
FAKE.EXE 0048F BD4ED16F 0001 ;A86 utility
FENESTRA.EXE 2FD00 4BDE6869 0001 ;Videotext emulator
FF.EXE 12429 BDFF67DF 0001 ;File finder Norton (short)
FILEFIND.EXE 12429 BDFF67DF 0001 ;File finder Norton (long)
FLAGFIX.COM 0006D 37C4CD3B 0011 ;FlagFix utility
GIF2EPSN.COM 05080 * 0001
GII.EXE * * 0001 ;Gobbler
CATCHER.EXE * * 0001 ;Gobbler
GRABBER.COM 05CD5 6DC5C815 0001
GUS.EXE * * 0001 ;General Unpack Shell
HDFMTALL.COM * * 0001 ;Disk format utility
ICE.COM 00562 AC1E3517 0001 ;File encryptor
INOCINT.COM 00204 5EC0B38D 0001
ISOUND.EXE 00B12 E4993F51 0001
LOG.COM 0070F FFEF624E 0001 ;Ziff utility
MENU.COM 03328 * 000B ;PlayBack menu
ML.EXE * * 0001 ;MS macro assembler 6.00
MONITOR.COM 01798 F501424B 0001
MOVE.COM 00730 22DAA6CC 0001 ;Utility
MSCDEX.EXE * * 0011
NETBIOS.EXE * * 001B ;Novell netware
NET3.COM * * 0011
NET4.COM * * 0011
NET5.COM * * 0011
NETX.COM * * 0011 ;Windows 3.1
NNANSI.COM 014DC 9BF50F93 0011 ;Ansi driver
PB.COM * * 000B ;PlayBack menu
POVMOD.EXE 18263 2CFA97A8 0001 ;Persistence of Vision 1.0
README.COM * * 0001 ;Soundblaster Pro utility
RECORDER.COM 0051D 02A2E3B6 0001 ;Utility
REGEDIT.EXE * * 0001 ;Windows 3.1
RN.COM 01270 A619A334 0001 ;PC Magazine utility
SCRNBLNK.COM 03191 FF2D1F87 0001 ;Screen blanker
SCROFF.COM 000C9 E2CD35DB 0001 ;utility
SDUMP.COM 00280 * 0001 ;Utility
SERVER.EXE * * 001B ;Novell server
SETUP.COM * * 0001
SKPLUS.EXE * * 0011 ;Side Kick plus
SNATCHIT.COM 02BAE CA62C2C3 0001 ;Encrypted utility
SNIPPER.COM * * 0011 ;PC Magazine utility
SPEEDER.COM 000DA EBE8A79E 0001 ;Refresh-rate utility
SPELL.EXE 0DE00 * 0001 ;Word perfect utility
SSWAP.COM 04000 972848E4 0001 ;Stacker utility
ST.EXE 0036C 83E61990 0001 ;IBM utility
TINYPROG.EXE 09960 * 0001 :File compressor
TOAGX.COM 0B932 3B9FA438 0001 ;Harvard utility
UNJUNE4.EXE 02A55 2420E45E 0001 ;4june remover
VALIDATE.COM 0195F 6466439F 0001 ;McAfee checker
VIRSTOP.EXE * * 0011 ;Frisk anti-virus module
WATCH.COM 003E1 C2F98F8A 0011 ;TSR monitoring utility
WIN.COM * * 0001 ;Windows 3.0
WINWORD.EXE * * 0001 ;Windows word
X00.EXE * * 0011 ;Fossil driver
XTREE.COM * * 000B ;Utility
ZERODISK.COM * * 0001 ;Utility
AUTOPFL.COM * * 0001 ;Freelance Graphics utility
FL.COM * * 0001 ;Freelance Graphics utility
EXE2BIN.EXE * * 0001 ;DOS 3.0 utility
SHARE.EXE 021A0 745674BC 0001 ;DOS 3.0 utility
DEFRAG.EXE * * 0021 ;DOS 6.0 utility
SIZER.EXE * * 0001 ;DOS 6.0 utility
IBMBIO.COM 05F9A 9CCE2030 0001 ;Dr Dos 6.00 system file
COMMAND.COM 0C508 103850F4 0001 ;Dr Dos 6.00 command processor
COMMAND.COM 0C518 5390AA5E 0001 ;Dr Dos 6.00 command processor
LS-LOAD.COM 00B48 B9302393 0001 ;Desqview utility
LT-LOAD.COM 00BDE 0F435505 0001 ;Desqview utility
PX-LOAD.COM 0037F 84ECF84E 0001 ;Desqview utility
KILL.EXE * * 0011 ;PcTools utility
RAMBOOST.EXE * * 0011 ;PcTools utility
PCFORM.EXE * * 0001 ;PcTools utility
ITLFAX.EXE * * 0001 ;PcTools utility
; Files that need to be scanned completely, for BOOT COM EXE SYS viruses:
NET$DOS.SYS * * 0004 ;Disk image of Novell remote boot disk
; Files that do not have a fixed checksum due to internal configuration area's:
CONFIG.SYS * * 0002 ;This is not a device driver
Q.EXE * * 000A ;Qedit (all versions)
TBCONFIG.COM * * 000A ;all versions
PCBOARD.SYS * * 000A ;PCBoard 14.5a utility
REMOTE.SYS * * 000A ;PCBoard 14.5a utility
EVENT.SYS * * 000A ;PCBoard 14.5a utility
DOOR.SYS * * 000A ;BBS door utility
; Names of files of which the readonly attribute should not be changed:
IO.SYS * * 0008 ;DOS system file
MSDOS.SYS * * 0008 ;DOS system file
; Names of programs that are allowed to remove the readonly attributes: